The Musicfit method to trumpet lessons

Learning to master any instrument is fun, time-consuming, exciting, tiring, empowering, mind-draining, ego-boosting, relaxing…the list goes on. It also requires discipline, desire, inspiration, self-motivation, a good work ethic, patience, passion…once again, the list goes on and on. Doesn’t this sound a lot like the attitude required from an athlete?  People who workout on a regular basis might say “I’m pumped! I’m ready to dig deep and get stronger!” and after exercising, “Phew! Lifting day was so hard but I did it!” But how often do you pick up your instrument and say "I am SO ready to work on scales! Woo!"

We didn't think so.

We’re here to change that. We’re here to revolutionize the way you learn, practice and think music.


MusicFit encourages musicians to engage like athletes for faster and better results. Never again practice (ugh what a boring word!), instead, workout. Never pull out that scale sheet and go through the motions, instead complete all levels of the "Scale Ninja" challenge to master all your scales. To master the trumpet you must get TrumpetFit. You must be fit to be able to play a "high note" at any time, to attack a note as if it comes out of thin air or to play a classical concerto in the proper style.

Our goal as a music trainers is to give you all the tools to get you fit and inspire you to reach higher and higher each day. The idea of applying sports psychology to music lessons is NOT new, but it is not a common practice. Many accomplished psychologists have explored the subject with amazing results. Just check out "Audition Success: An Olympic Sports Psychologist Teaches Performing Artists How to Win" by Dr. Don Greene. Many musicians think of sports and music as two ends of a very long line, where the ends should never ever meet. A pianist thinking like a quarterback?! (*GASP!*). But what if we take a step back and morph these unlikely practices?

So exactly how do we accomplish this? By being each student’s personal trainer and tailoring their workouts to their specific needs from the warm-up to the music, helping them through the 10 rigorous MusicFit Ranks. Most importantly, lessons are energetic and filled with athletic analogies. For example, just as athletes have to warm-up by stretching their muscles to avoid injury, musicians must warm-up for the same reason, but what are we stretching? During the warm-up we teach students to stretch their range, flexibility and volume by controlling their air and allowing creative flow. 

What is the driving force behind the world’s most successful sports champions? Here is our short list: high inspiration levels, solid belief in themselves, positive attitudes, confidence, commitment and most importantly, fanaticism. Now…apply that to a music student. The possibilities are endless.

Let's go beyond that and provide a fun learning environment, complete with challenges, fun, surprises and prizes.

Music Lessons at "X" School:

  • Teacher greets student.

  • Students play scales from sheet music. Finger memory!

  • Teacher gives student new scales.

  • Rinse and repeat.

Music Lessons at MusicFit:

  • Teacher and student share their recent happenings and establish a relaxed atmosphere, free from stress and pressure.

  • Scales are not learned from sheet music, but rather students are taught to write them down themselves and learn the notes, not just memorize fingerings.

  • Scales are then asked for with the help of some scale dice! What’s better than a randomizer to keep students on their feet.

  • The following week…something new.